Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Everything that's wrong with The Noel Diary Netflix movie

The Noel Diary movie Netflix

I was planning on doing a general wrap-up year-end post for today with all the bookish highlights of my year. But then I watched a Christmas movie with Steve and now I need to purge the rage.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas to you and yours 2022

Merry Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Can you believe it? It's Christmas again and with that, another year is over. Well, almost. There's still New Year's.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

I have thoughts on audiobooks and narrators


I've recently started listening to a lot more audiobooks because I've finally found a time and routine where audiobooks work for me. It's not always been the case in the past. And I've learned some things.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

How about some hot stuff?

Live is more exciting with some hot stuff

How would you like some hot stuff in your life? No, no, I don't mean more steamy, spicy romances. Let me explain...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What Helen Read #77: November 2022

Do you know what it is? It's too close to Christmas, that's what it is. And why do I have so much work left to do and so many deadlines? It's almost 7pm on Tuesday evening now as I'm putting this together, and I'd really like to be lying in bed reading. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm feeling extra tired today. But aside from me moaning about how fast the year is coming to an end... books!

Here's what Helen read for November.

Rescue Mission by Kendall Talbot
Rescue Mission
Playing House by Amy Andrews
Playing House
East Of Alice by Annie Seaton
East Of Alice
The Butterfly Collector by Tea Cooper
The Butterfly Collector (Amazon AU)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

What Deanna Read #82: November 2022

Holy smoly! It's December!!! I'm rather overwhelmed with a lot of work backed up and I've not been reading as much as I would like. My brain is mush. Things are crazy. I have not had much brain power to do much full on reading. I've been relying on a lot of what Steve calls "brain candy" to get me through. Easy, comfort reads that make me feel good.

Here's what I read for the month.

Captured by Ella Goode
Sweet Jane by Abby Knox
Smoke and Mirrors by Julie Rowe
Viable Threat by Julie Rower

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

On sale: Phillipa Nefri Clark and Golden Angel | November 2022

Book sale

I guess it's the time of the year for book sales. There seems to be a lot of them and I don't even know if it's Black Friday, Cyber Monday or what, so eh, hey...books on sale. Yay!!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Black Friday eBook sales #2: November 2022

Black Friday ebook sale

Happy Sunday!! It looks like Black Friday sales are leading into Cyber Monday sales and there are still some eBook deals going on. At least my email is still going nuts with all the price drops notifications. This is going to be a quick one. Just a whole slew of sexy books by one author on sale. This is for all you RH lovers out there. I don't know how long they are going to last, so grab them quick. Be warned though, not all books are on sale, so check before you one-click.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Black Friday eBook sales #1: November 2022

Black Friday ebook sale

Hello there, a little bonus post today.

Happy Thanksgiving just passed and Happy Black Friday, also passed? There have been a lot of eBook Black Friday sales going on. My price drop notifications have been going nuts with the authors that I'm tracking. Thought I'd share a bunch of them with you. Some are free, some are heavily discounts. I've gone nuts.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

It's nothing like what you described #1

Search keyboard

I'm in a great book group that is focused a lot of helping people find books they can't remember the name of. Anything from recent books they forgot to bookmark to books they read a long time ago that they want to read again but can't remember the title or author and need help. And I love this group. Usually, books get found super fast.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Let's chat and what I'm reading now #8

Woman with coffee on phone

Gosh, it's been a while since I've done a "Let's chat." Not that I had nothing to say, but life has been busy and the bloggity schedule has been a little tight and there were other things to talk about.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What Helen Read #76: September & October 2022

Greetings! It's late Tuesday evening and I'm kinda hustling to get this post out. I remembered late that I needed to do this and I didn't want to leave it till tomorrow this time. Plus, I owe it to Helen to at least be on time, since I missed posting this last month for her. I'm almost back to normal with adjusting to being home and getting back into the swing of things. Work is picking up and getting busier, but that's a good thing. Hope everyone had a good month in October and enjoying November. Where has the year gone? Before we know it, it will be Christmas.

Here's what Helen read for September and October.

The Unbelieved by Vikki Petraitis
The Unbelieved
Beyond The Gate by Rhonda Forrest
Beyond The Gate
The Heart Match by Phillipa Nefri Clark
The Heart Match
The Swift and The Harrier by Minette Walters
The Swift and The Harrier

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What Deanna Read #81: October 2022

Greetings!! I'm a little late, but as they say, better late than never. I considered rushing to get this out on time but I'm still recovering from being poorly and jet lag, although, I think I'm mostly over the jet lag, and it's just being poorly. This traveling stuff... it gets harder and harder the older I get. And being away from home for two months is too long. It wasn't really a holiday. We spent time with Steve's mom, looking after her, and dealing with end of life stuff for her. She's eighty-nine and legally blind, and in the throes of getting her affairs sorted. It was A LOT. Plus throw in more work than I anticipated, and it was, yeah, A LOT. I'm slowly settling back to being home and hope to be completely back on deck by next week. Fingers crossed for me, gang. Surprisingly, the reading front was not terrible, but there were a lot of short books and some rereads. I needed my comfort reads.

Here's what I read for the month.

Big Ol' Beard by Cassie Mint
Big Ol' Beard
Mission Uncovered by Anna Hackett
Maddie Mine by Rena Marks
Your Daddy Likes It by Alexa Riley

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

So jet lagged...


Hello!!! I'm back home... finally, but jet lag is kicking my butt. Plus I have editing deadlines. So between getting ready to return home from my trip and the layover in Singapore for three days where we didn't leave the hotel, and coming home, I'm very behind on bloggity stuff and I sincerely apologise.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

What Deanna Read #80: September 2022

Kinda doing the last minute thing again, not that you'll notice since this will go up on time. It's me that's all over the place and behind. I've got two hours till my self-imposed deadline. I haven't read much in the month of September. There's been a bit of work while away on the trip, a lot of looking after Steve's mom and doing stuff for her. Y'all, I feel like I'm constantly tired. I need a better pillow and I miss my own pillow because I'm old like that. LOL. Hope you guys had a great September and read some great books.

Here's what I read for the month.

Trusted & True by Rhenna Morgan
Trusted & True
Singe by Aly Martinez
Kiss Me Goodnight by Dani Wyatt
Hired For Heat by Leann Ryans

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Observations on bookish things #4

Observations on bookish things

Hey, hey, hey. How are you doing? I wanted to say that I'm really enjoying putting together these observations on bookish things. They are little bit size thoughts that are easier for me to put together and probably easier for you as a reader to digest. I'm also enjoying the variety of things I get to talk about. Let me know if you're enjoying this too or if you think I should just scrap the whole thing. I would like your feedback. And now, onto today's topics...

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Adding to the TBR #7

Free books

Hello there,

It's been ages since I've posted a freebie post and there are a lot of great freebies available right now. Here are a few that caught my attention.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What Helen Read #75: August 2022

Greetings from a chilly Minnesota. I'm pretty last minute for this post and I'm all turned around with the dang time zones. I keep forgetting that I no longer live in the future and now I feel like I'm behind on everything. As I do this, it's 4:25am back home on the day that this is supposed to post and it's 1:25pm here the day before. It's still Tuesday here, if you're wondering. Dang time zones. And it's going to be like this for another five weeks for me. Oh, the agony! But that said, it's nice to be visiting Steve's mom and catching up with some friends we haven't seen for a long time here.

PS. This is scheduled to post at 6am and I finished it at 5:07am. Talk about getting in by the skin of my teeth!

Here's what Helen read for the last month.

Gone To Ground by Bronwyn Hall
Gone To Ground
Innocent In Her Enemy's Bed by Dani Collins
Innocent In Her Enemy's Bed
The Bellbird River Country Choir by Sophie Green
The Bellbird River Country Choir
Hostile Mission by Kendall Talbot
Hostile Mission

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What Deanna Read #79: August 2022

Greetings from hot and crazy New York. I'm technically on vacation right now, but unlike previous trips and travels, I've not pre-scheduled any posts and it's kinda hard to do the books read ahead of time. That said, I haven't been reading as much since we've taken off on our trip but we've been having fun. I'm actually glad for some chill out time and not working for the last week. I think it has been good for me. Will be slightly back at it next month once we get to our next destination and will be staying there for the next six weeks.

Here's what I read for the month.

Torch by Cambria Hebert
Beneath The Scars by Melanie Moreland
Die For You by Michele Milles
Punished by LV Lane

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Waiting till the series has finished


I've talked about this in the past and mentioned how it's hard for authors to keep going, whether indie or traditionally published, if readers do not buy their books when they are released. I don't remember if I did a dedicated post about it or just mentioned it in passing on a related topic. Anyway, I wanted to talk about it here because I saw an author discussing it on social media.