Friday, March 28, 2014

An update on how this blog is going ... and a few other things about Deanna's World

I'm looking back in the last few months since I've started this blog and it appears that there have been fewer beauty and makeup posts and much more health and dieting posts.

I know that when I started the blog, I originally posted here that this blog would be beauty and makeup, but that does not seem to be the way the blog is emerging.

I'm thinking about another blog post and it seems to be about my current reading habits. I love reading and right now the topic is very front of mind as I struggle through some reading ups and downs.

It would appear as this blog develops organically that it is becoming a reflection of my world, hence "Deanna's World" and what is going on in it, not just beauty and makeup.

For those of you who are interested in just beauty and makeup, I apologize for this, but I admit that I want the freedom to discuss what is current on my mind and what's "in my world" as a reflection of my life and what is going on in it, rather than just talk only about makeup and beauty.

I do focus entirely on makeup and beauty on my Facebook page. All the posts there are makeup and beauty related and I post several times each day. I have mini reviews on all the things that I'm using, loving, not crazy about and also posts and updates on my latest videos from the Youtube channel. So do follow me on Facebook, if you want daily tidbits on makeup and beauty.

On Instagram, you will find photos of makeup stuff (some!) and also the rest of my life. Lots of pictures about food and just things that strike my fancy. Do head on over and follow me on Instagram if you would like a little glimpse of my everyday life.

And then there's Twitter. I suck at Twitter. A lot of times I forget to check Twitter. Once I didn't check Twitter for 4 days and when I did, discovered that I had won a book in a contest. Oops! All my Facebook and Instagram stuff does get posted to Twitter automatically though, if you're big on Twitter. :-)

If you want a quick response from me, Facebook is where to message me. I always respond to that really quickly since I practically live in Facebook.

I have not been posting very regularly lately, many reasons, including work being hectic, we're moving and life getting in the way. I am planning on posting more regularly once we are done with the move and hopefully I will be able to continue with the planned once a week schedule. I will, of course, need topics to post on. Any suggestions will be welcome!!

Anyhow, thank you for following me, watching my videos, reading my posts. I appreciate every single bit of your support.

ps. I also write a cooking blog which I update about once or twice a month with new recipes. It's called "Daz in the Kitchen" and it's a companion to my husband's blog "Saz in the Cellar". His blog is all about wine, mine all about food. If you're interested in food at all or even wine, check those out. :-)

Find me around SOCIAL MEDIA:
Youtube channel:
Makeup and beauty blog:
Facebook: (this is the best way to reach me, I will always respond to this the fastest).
Twitter: @langshipley
Instagram: @langshipley
Cooking blog:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How your brain and words affect your sense of smell

I have recently bought myself a new perfume, which I rapidly became obsessed with. It is just such a lovely feminine scent that is slightly floral, slightly spicy, but with a lot of depth, so it doesn't go straight to your head and give you a headache.

This perfume has notes of jasmine, ylang ylang, patchouli, lavender and rose geranium, all of which are favorites of mine, with  perhaps the exception of patchouli, which to me always seems to be a very spicy, musky scent and not something I lean towards.

Thing is, I bought a bottle for my girlfriend, Tessa, as well, since we often send each other makeup and beauty things, and you can even see what we send each other in videos here, here, here and here.
For the most part, since Tessa and I talk every day and we talk about makeup all the time, I know enough about her likes and dislikes to know what types of perfume scents she likes, so that I can quite safely smell a scent and pick it up for her and know she will like it.

This one was a bit borderline for me, but I thought she might like it cos it had a lot of the notes that she would like.

Then I read the ingredients list and discovered it had patchouli in it.

Tessa hates the smell of patchouli. She thinks it smells like bug spray.

So yesterday, there I was, LOVING this new perfume and totally obsessing over it.

Then I get a message from Tessa after I tell her there's patchouli in the perfume asking me if it smells like bug spray.

I don't know.

It doesn't to me, but then after I sprayed it on this morning, the more I smelled it, the more I "thought" it smelled like bug spray.

Then, I got into work and asked a colleague of mine what he thought of the smell. Yesterday, he thought it was delightful, fresh and feminine. Today, after me asking him if it smelled like bug spray, he was all "yeah ... now that you mention it .... " after several sniffs at my wrist where I had sprayed the perfume.

I kept the perfume on for a few hours, but the more I smelled it, the more it bothered me. Now my wonderful perfume from yesterday, smells to me like those citronella candles you get which you use to burn outside to keep the bugs away from you during an outdoor event.

It does not smell like Raid or Mortein, so NOT that kind of bug spray, but still ...

My brain and the scent associations of words and descriptions has ruined this scent for me. I don't know when I will be able to go back to using this perfume without thinking that is smells like bug spray anymore, and yesterday, I was thinking of getting a few extra bottles to give away as gifts to friends. Not going to do that now!!

I ended up layering a vanilla perfume on top of the "bug spray" perfume, which has softened it a great deal. Plus I love vanilla, so that always a good thing.

Tessa, if you're reading this, I will say to you what you said to me when you opened the birthday gift I sent you: "if you lived close to me, I would drive over to your house and smack you upside the head." :-)

Find me around SOCIAL MEDIA:
Youtube channel:
Makeup and beauty blog:
Facebook: (this is the best way to reach me, I will always respond to this the fastest).
Twitter: @langshipley
Instagram: @langshipley
Cooking blog: