Thursday, September 30, 2021

Adding to the TBR #2

Free books

Hello there,

How's your TBR coming along? Is it nearly empty, short, long, or out of control? Gonna be honest, mine's out of control but it doesn't stop me from buying more books that pique my interest. Anyhoo, aside from that, how about some free books to add to your TBR? And who doesn't love a free book or two?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Let's chat and what I'm reading now #3

Woman with coffee on phone

Hello! I'm a bit behind on the bloggity (as usual!) and I'm here trying to get the post done for tomorrow at the very last minute (of course!). Before I get into the post, I'd like to drop a little reminder that if you'd like to get a newsletter with each post as they go up, you can sign up here.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Life in lockdown

Lockdown scrabble

I got the idea of writing this post from my local writing group. There was a call out for articles for the next newsletter and since we are all in lockdown (our whole state is in lockdown at the time this is written) the organizer asked if anyone had any articles written about life in lockdown saying that probably a lot of our lives are not that different since we can't go anywhere. I thought it might be fun to talk about what a typical week looks like for us folks in strict lockdown.... well, for me anyway.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Asking for book recommendations #3

Book recommendations

Time for more zany or not so zany book recommendations. It's hard to say. The book recommendation requests from some of these book groups are really out there. I think I note them down for more entertainment value rather than actually intending to read the books. Although some of them do sound interesting occasionally and I have found some good books I've read. These might not be for everyone, but hey, you never know. You might find something you enjoy.

Monday, September 13, 2021

What Helen Read #63: August 2021

Hey there, how are you all doing? There's not much to report here, to be honest. We are still in lockdown and hardly leave the house. We get out about once a week and combine any medical or dental appointments with a weekly shop for groceries and food. That's about all the excitement there is going on here. Plenty of time for work and reading. I've been a bit slow on the reading front this month, but I think that's quite normal. I tend to alternate between a big reading month and a slower reading month all the time. It's because after a big month, I think my brain says to me, you need a break and to take it a little easier this month. Read less books and do something else. I've been watching makeup and cooking videos. Learned some fabulous new recipes that I've fed to Steve and he's loved. But enough of me blathering on...

Here's what Helen read for the last month.

The Garden of Hopes and Dreams by Barbara Hannay
The Garden Of Hopes And Dreams

The Life She Dreams by Maggie Christensen
The Life She Dreams

From One Night To The Desert Queen by Pippa Roscoe
From One Night To Desert Queen

The Secrets Mothers Keep by Jacquie Underdown
The Secrets Mothers Keep

Monday, September 6, 2021

What Deanna Read #67: August 2021

Another month has gone by. What? Before we know it, we will be reading Christmas stories, putting up decorations, and eating Christmas cake.

It's been another quiet month for us. We've been in lockdown and today is day 32. A whole month in lockdown. It's no wonder I did a lot of reading. There wasn't much else to do. For fun (and sometimes it's serious), I've been doing a daily lockdown journal on my Facebook profile and just talking about life in lockdown in general. Some posts are funny, some posts are serious, but I'm trying to deal with current issues while reminding my friends and family to be kind and stay safe. These will be interesting to look back on once all of this has passed.

Here's what I read for the month.

Taking The Bull By The Horns by Zoe Chant
Taking The Bull By The Horns

Duke by Kate Tilney

Gray Back Ghost Bear by TS Joyce
Gray Back Ghost Bear

Manu by Anna Hackett

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Manview: The Vicomte's Prize by Patricia Bates

Welcome to another Manview. For those of you who are new to Manviews,these are reviews of romance novels specifically from a man's perspective, the reader today is my very own Steve. You can find previous Manviews here.

The Vicomte's Prize by Patricia Bates

The Vicomte's Prize by Patricia Bates
Purchase link:

My rating: star star star star half

Heat rating: Flame  Flame  Flame  Flame  Flame