Thursday, October 28, 2021

Reading my first quarantine romance

Lockdown scrabble

At the time that I'm writing this, my entire state has just gone into lockdown. Take a second with that. THE ENTIRE STATE. Covid cases are escalating and today we hit an all time high in the number of recorded positive cases. ALL TIME HIGH. It's scary stuff. I'm hoping that by the time this post goes live (I'm not exactly sure when) things would be better. I am hoping. I know my government is doing the best they can in a difficult situation to get on top of things. Are there disappointments? Yep. Are there areas where they could have done better? Also yep. But covid is a daily changing target with new information emerging all the time, and the delta variant is virulent and scary. I'm not going to judge or criticise those people who are doing their best.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Manview: Daughter of the Hunter Valley by Paula J Beavan

Welcome to another Manview. For those of you who are new to Manviews,these are reviews of romance novels specifically from a man's perspective, the reader today is my very own Steve. You can find previous Manviews here.

Daughter of the Hunter Valley by Paula J Beavan

Daughter of the Hunter Valley by Paula J Beavan
Purchase link:

My rating: star star star star half

Heat rating: Flame 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Orcs are all the rage


Okay, I know this might not be for everyone and I'm going to be honest and say I haven't read them either, but hey, sometimes I need to alert you of things that you might not know about. And on today's version of "things you might not know" is that orcs are all the rage.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Asking for book recommendations #4

Book recommendations

Time for more zany or not so zany book recommendations. It's hard to say. The book recommendation requests from some of these book groups are really out there. I think I note them down for more entertainment value rather than actually intending to read the books. Although some of them do sound interesting occasionally and I have found some good books I've read. These might not be for everyone, but hey, you never know. You might find something you enjoy.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Books I have not finished 2021 #4

Time for another books I did not finish. I'm slowing right down on these because I'm intentionally picking books I know I will enjoy reading or I'm sticking to favorite authors and playing it safe.

So without much further ado, here's some books I have not finished recently.

After His Banana by Penelope Bloom

Monday, October 11, 2021

What Helen Read #64: September 2021

Do you know what today is? Today is the first day of freedom. Our statewide lockdown ends today and we get some freedoms back like being able to visit friends and family, go get a haircut, and eat at restaurants. I'm looking forward to things opening up again but still being very cautious since there are still a lot of unvaccinated people around, particularly in my area. In the meantime, I'm reading a bit more so far this month. How are you doing?

Here's what Helen read for the last month.

The Unusual Abduction of Avery Conifer by Ilsa Evans
The Unusual Abduction of Avery Conifer (Amazon AU)

The Prince's Royal Love-Child by Trish Morey
The Prince's Royal Love-Child

Stargazer by Wendy S Marcus

Happy Hour by Jacquie Byron
Happy Hour (Amazon AU)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Book quotes #10: October 2021

Passion led us here

Time for some more book quotes. Tell me, do you highlight passages in the books you read? Passages that move you, hit you, make you laugh? I love that feature in my Kindle app, being able to highlight stuff that strike me as I'm reading. I don't highlight in every book but I do with most books. Those passages are so fun to look back upon.

Monday, October 4, 2021

What Deanna Read #68: September 2021

It's been a heck of a busy month from a work perspective so I've not had as much time to read. There were some days this month where I was working late into the evening. The work is fun but man, those long hours sure take a lot of time away from other stuff. Aside from work, there was also a book that totally stumped me. It took up so many days and hours as I laboured through it or tried to labour through it until I finally gave up. Bonus points if you can guess which book it is.

Here's what I read for the month.

Coaxing The Roughneck by Jessa Kane
Coaxing The Roughneck

Cowboy Dragon by Terry Bolryder
Cowboy Dragon

Ringing In The New Year by Alexa Riley
Ringing In The New Year

Judged by Cari Silverwood