Monday, January 27, 2020

What Helen Read #44: December 2019

I'm sorry that this is coming to you a little late. January tends to be the month where we do recaps of the previous year and the top reads from 2019 dominated the first half of the month. But better late than never, you still get Helen's reads from December 2019.

So December was a quiet month of reading for Helen. The lucky lady went on a holiday on a cruise and she had a lovely time.

Here's what Helen read for the last month.

Monday, January 20, 2020

What Deanna Read #47: December 2019

Happy New Year again!!! Seriously, when is it time to stop wishing people Happy New Year? After the first week or after the month of January? Well, I hope you had a good start of the year and you had a good reading month in December. How did you close out the year? I did pretty well and ended my reading for the year at 178 books in total. That was pretty awesome for me since I thought I was only going to read 25 books in the year when I set my goal.

Deanna year in books 2019

Here's what I read for the month.

Monday, January 13, 2020

2019 Recap: Helen's Top 19 reads

Helen's top 10 2019 reads

Welcome to another instalment of our Top Reads for 2019. Here's Helen with her top 10... okay, top 19. She couldn't get the list of books down any lower. Total cheat BTW because I struggled and managed to get it down to 10 with 2 honorable mentions, but yeah, a top 19 for Helen.

Without further ado, let's take a look at Helen's list.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Manview observations #16: What makes a great romance hero?

Welcome to another Manview observation. It's been a very long time since we've had a Manview observation and I'm thrilled with Mr Manview giving us his opinion on what makes a great romance hero. And believe me ... he has OPINIONS!! :-)

I hope you enjoy this installment of Mr Manview's observations.

Couple kissing on beach

Monday, January 6, 2020

2019 Recap: Deanna's Top 10 reads

Happy New Year 2020

Hello and Happy New Year!!

Do you know, what they say about time going faster as you get older is true. I don't know where 2019 went and it went fast.

At the beginning of 2019, I didn't think I'd get much reading done because I was working on a very demanding project. Fortunately, the project ended about the middle of the year and I was able to find more time to read. I'm very glad of that as I've enjoyed my reading and I've missed it. Ended up with a very respectable over 150 books read for the year. Not quite a personal best but certainly streets ahead of the goal I set for myself.

Here are my top 10 books read for 2019 (and an honorable mention). You'll see a few familiar names on the list. Not in any particular order ....

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A new year filled with love and romance. Happy 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you celebrated well and rang in the new year with brightness, fun, and bubbly.

Here's wishing you hope, joy, and success for the new year. I'm looking forward to sharing 2020 with you with more booky stuff from all the genres and authors we love. May your lives be filled with as much romance and love as the books you read.

xoxo, Deanna

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