Greetings! Can you believe we are well and truly into the second half
of the year now? Whoosh! There went 2019!!
happy to report my eyes are healing nicely. I've reverted back to an
almost normal sized font. Things are still a little blurry but it's
manageable. There were times when things were so blurry and I couldn't
even see to read a phone number that I was ready to cry from
frustration. Can't tell you the number of times I had to ask Steve to
read something for me because I couldn't see. But yay! My distance
vision is near perfect and it's just my close vision that needs some
From a reading perspective, I think I did pretty
well. My Kindle has a Reading Insights feature and I am trying to keep
my reading streak up. I'm making an effort to read daily and even on
days when I'm busy and don't have much time to read, I try to squeeze
in five minutes just to maintain my reading streak. Do you read on a
Kindle? What do your reading insights look like?
Here's what I read for the month.