Sunday, January 22, 2023

Currently reading #1: January 2023

Currently reading

Hello! Hello! I'm so sorry I've been absent. I almost didn't even make it today because I'm away on holidays and I've been having fun. It's my first proper holiday in years where I'm not looking after elderly family members or working. Okay, there was a little work, but it's mostly eating, shopping, and catching up with friends.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

2022 Recap: Deanna's Top 10 reads

Deanna's 2022 top 10 books read

Right, I'm kinda behind on this post. I do not know why it took me so long to sit down and make this list, but it took me ages to do it. So, finally, it's 4:54am on a Wednesday morning and this post usually goes up at 6am, so this is going to be interesting. Not sure if I'll get it done on time and I'm still debating going back to sleep since I didn't get to sleep till 1am-ish.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Deanna's 2022 year in books

Reading goals

Doing a recap of my reading is one of my favorite bookish things to do each year. I love looking back and seeing what I've read, how I've done. 2022 has been a strange reading year but it's also been good.

Sunday, January 1, 2023