I have to grovel at Helen's feet and beg for her forgiveness because this post is late again. I blame work. Work has been kicking my butt. I'm working twelve hour days during the week and this Saturday I went into the office and worked for four hours until I was so tired I started making mistakes and had to stop. Today, Sunday, is Steve and my 21st "together as a couple" anniversary so I have made it a rule that we not work. We had a lovely day together and I got a new pair of earrings as an anniversary gift and some much needed couple time. I even got a book in which is a big deal for me.
Aside from that, I caught up on some emails and sent off some books to Helen asking if she'd review them. Of course, being the trooper that she is, she said yes. So I'm adding more to Helen's reading pile, but for July, she had a fab reading month too. She's streets ahead of my three book accomplishment.
Here's what Helen read for the last month.