Thursday, October 6, 2016

What Deanna Read #8: September 2016

Greetings from the lovely U. S. of A. We are over visiting family and on vacation but the vacation got brought to a halt rather suddenly with Steve's dad being taken seriously ill. It was all very dramatic. There was a call to 9-1-1 at 4am. Paramedics arrived, then the police. Dad was found lying on the floor after feeling weakness when he got up to go to the bathroom. Terrifying really. They carted him off in an ambulance to the Emergency Room of the local hospital and from there into Intensive Care. Dad was very, very sick. The doctors looked grave and started talking to us about living wills, do not resuscitate orders and do not intubate orders. They really didn't think he'd live. Fortunately, he did. And they found out what was wrong with him. Cut a long story short, after two days in Intensive Care (and a very scary two days for us), dad was moved into General Care where he stayed for many more days while they medicated him and monitored his health. After seven days in hospital they released him into what is called Transition Care, or assisted living. He's there now. Not too happy about it, but with some occupation and physical therapy, we are hoping he'll make a full recovery and be home soon. I've been posting his progress regularly on Facebook, so if you follow me on FB you'll have known about this. We are so grateful for all the kind thoughts and prayers of everyone. Their support has been a tremendous balm to our rattled nerves.

So, on the reading front, as you can imagine, not much has been done. Very slow month this one. Perhaps the next one will be better.

Married To The Cyborg by Cara Bristol
Married To The Cyborg
(available to newsletter subscribers only)

I gotta say, this is probably the slowest reading month I've had in a long time.

Stand outs for the month include the two books by Juliette Cross. Her Vessel Trilogy is amazing. I think I still have a little book hangover from it. I keep thinking about Jude and Genevieve, and want to go back to reread and visit with them. Cathryn Fox's Impulsive and Indulgent were excellent too. I really enjoyed the world building in the series and of course, the off-the-charts sexy that was going on.

Stay tuned for Helen's reading list for the month too. If I get it from her and I get a chance, I'll post that too.

Since vacationing has turned into looking after dad, I have a little more down time on my hands and have found time to do some blogging. Yay!

What did you read for this month? Do leave a comment and let me know.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Deanna

    I am glad that Steve's Dad is finally on the mend and that you were both there when you were needed sending hugs and at least you have got some reading in and lots of family time :)

    Have Fun
