Thursday, September 29, 2016

Author Showcase: Michele de Winton

Please join me in welcoming Michele DeWinton to the bloggity today. :-) I'm delighted to have Michele join me since she's just a short hop across the waters from me. We're practically neighbours (if you don't count the several hour flight!). I love New Zealand though I've never visiting Auckland where Michele is. I loved Wellington and was there for work once, and later for a lovely vacation with my Steve. My most memorable moments? Well, Wellington is WAY windier than Chicago, so I think Chicago needs to give up the moniker "Windy City". I also went hiking without a hat on and burned my scalp. That was not fun. But most interesting was watching a Scottish play with Kiwis trying to do a Scottish accent. Have you ever tried listening to a Kiwi do a Scottish accent? It's almost impossible to decipher. My Steve had to translate most of the play for me. Anyhoo, I should stop blathering on and let Michele take the floor ... or rather ... the blog ...

Welcome Michele ...

Real life Happy Ever Afters

A the moment I’m stuck on a tropical island, there’s a handsome man with a fine Scottish accent hiding from his past, and I’m just glad not to be in Texas any more… Okay, so I’m not actually there. And I’m not from Texas. Writing it almost makes it true but not quite, right?

Hi and thanks for having me. I’m Michele, words are my drug and I always kiss and tell. I’m working on a new release for the Entangled Publishing Lovestruck line at the moment: Her Hottie Highlander, and it is all kinds of fun. But as I write another passage about the tropical view out of the window of my character’s lives, I’m caught by how much reality is paralleling my fictional universe at the moment. The best bit is seeing a real life happy after play out in my friend’s life.

Couple holding hands
Photo via

A girlfriend of mine has been living the happy ever after that’s so close to my book, I’m starting to wonder if there’s more power in my typing fingers than I thought possible. It’s such a get out, real life story, I felt I had to share. Said friend was recently dumped, brutally, by long term fiancĂ©. They’d been together over a decade, and while she’d always wanted babies and a home, he wanted to tour the world making music. After prompting him for years to get out if he wasn’t into it, and his assurances that no no, her dream was his dream too, turns out it wasn’t and on the eve of their pre-planned holiday, when everyone else was away, he pulled the rug out. Dismay ensued. Heartbreak. Heartache. The dividing of furniture, pets, debt. So far, recipe for conflicted heroine. Cue new hero.

On an online dating site her brother signed her up for, my friend ticked a box on some page somewhere. The man attached to the box then texted, emailed, called. Steamy flirting, an impulse meeting a three hour drive away and a month or so later, he’s buying her a ticket to a remote tropical island so they can celebrate their birthdays together (which fall within a day of each other)! See? How crazy romantic is that? #romancelives #happyeveraftersforeveryone

Couple under umbrella
Photo via VisualHunt

They’ve just come back and he’s taken a job up in Auckland so he can be with her, and the best bit, he desperately wants the kids and home she’s wanted for the last ten years. This could still of course all go to custard but it turns out they do have some mutual friends in common (everyone really does know someone who knows someone in New Zealand) and the things they have in common outweigh the things that don’t quite fit.

All I can say is, stranger things happen in books and wish them well. I mean, what sort of romance writer would I be if I didn’t believe there could be a happy ever after from such a crazy romantic story?

Couple standing with sailboat
Photo via Visual Hunt

So, to you. Does this story make you cringe and suspect he’s a stalker? Or are you swayed by the romance and have your fingers crossed for them that it all works out? Happy ever after everyone!


Caught With The Captain's Daughter by Michele de Winton

Caught with the Captain's Daughter
By: Michele de Winton
Entangled Lovestruck

Buy Links:  Amazon

Caught with the Captain's Daughter by Michele de Winton

Check out some of these titles by Michele too

About the author

Michele de WintonMichele loves sunshine, chardonnay, (preferably together), chocolate, beaches, trees, great vegetarian food, steamy writing and happy endings. She’s been known to be an all-round arty type, dancing and producing theatre around the globe so it's no wonder that her first romance had a little sparkle of the stage tucked into its pages. 

Being a writer was not was she was supposed to be when she ‘grew up' but then neither was being a dancer. Her poor parents. They thought that when she toddled off to law school they'd bred a responsible, useful adult and instead they got a performer and word junkie. Sometimes her performing past jumps into the dress up box and requires attention. But most of the time she’s content to stay in her PJs. All day. She writes surrounded by the whisper of trees from her home in New Zealand and with only intermittent interruptions from her two young sons and husband. (Okay more like regular interruptions, but dreaming is free.)

Michele de Winton: Website - Facebook - TwitterGoodreads

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  1. Hi Michelle

    WOW what a great story I need to get this one :)

    I think true love is in the air my daughter is going out with a guy she online and he is lovely and they are both very happy fingers crossed they do have their HEA as well :)

    Have Fun

    1. Ooooo. I love a real life happy ending. Fingers and toes crossed for your daughter!!! Xmichele

  2. And I thought I loved Michele before! Fabulous article!

    1. Thanks so much! Love having such amazing readers!!! X michele
