Love and Other
Responsibilities (Expats #1) by Lexxie Couper
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Purchase link: Amazon
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Love and Other Responsibilities is going to make you smile, tug at your heartstrings and make your eyes leak. Be prepared with the tissues because this is going to be an emotional ride along with a lot of sweetness and fun.
What can I say? I adored this book, right from the beginning with the awesome spicy, meet-cute between Randi and Brody right through to the heart tugging, gut-wrenching ending. Everything about this story worked for me, even the surly, difficult teenager that Willow was.
I loved Randi. It's impossible to not love her. She's bright, fun and sweet, with a kindness to her that is unavoidable. She's wonderful with Sasha, Brody's six year old little girl, and kind and patient with Willow even when Willow is doing everything she can to be unlikable, not to mention her own nephew Chuck. I loved how even though she thought it was a bad idea to get involved with a man like Brody, she couldn't help herself. I thought she was very brave for putting herself out there and then dealing with the hurt and pain that came along with it. You can't help but admire a woman like Randi.
And Brody ... ah, Brody! You sure come with a lot of baggage, don't you? I felt for Brody. He was so tortured. Suffering from grief and loss, and feeling guilty for having feelings for another woman again. Feeling guilty about everything, from loving again, to not being a good enough father to his two girls, to his wife's unfortunate death. He carries such a weight around him. But he loves his girls and that's so commendable, and he's doing the best he can with a challenging teenager and a little girl who is only starting to light up again with Randi in their lives. I wanted to give Brody a big hug and tell him he's doing fine. He's doing the best he can in very trying circumstances. And he's confused about his feelings for Randi and guilty about them as well, thinking perhaps he's not supposed to find love or that he doesn't deserve a second chance at it. Of course, he does mess up big time where Randi is concerned but I can forgive him for it because he goes into protective parent mode. And let's not forget that he's sexy as all heck. Bonus points for that!
Oh, in case you didn't realise, both Brody and Randi are slightly older on the age scale. I love that. Even though Brody comes with a lot of baggage, his problems and issues are a lot more adult. And Randi is such a wonderful, mature adult. She's got her shiz together and that comes across really well even though she has a few insecurities of her own they don't get in the way. I like the overall maturity you get with the older characters.
Once again, Ms Couper demonstrates how well she understands children. From the precocious six year old Sasha, to surly thirteen year old Willow and super genius, too smart for his age, fifteen year old Chuck. I adored them all. I even liked Willow in spite of her behaviour because I understood where she was coming from.
Throw in Brody's two sexy Aussie best friends, Singo and Youngie, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series and what's in store for these men.
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