For those of you who are new to Manviews, these are reviews of romance novels specifically from a man's perspective, the reader today is my very own Steve. You can find previous Manviews here.

My rating:

Heat rating:

Heat rating:

I really enjoyed the story
line, the characters, the setting and everything about the book. It was
a great sequel to the previous two books in the series and Quick did a
great job of introducing new characters and story lines while weaving
in a few interesting characters from the previous books.
What did you think of Amalie and Matthias?
I liked them a lot. They
both had integrity, were willing to take risks, and knew what they
wanted and went after it.
What did you think of Amalie's first impression of Matthias and the time it took for her to warm up to him? Did that seem reasonable to you?
It did. First of all, she
could easily be concerned he was associated with gangsters and a bit
reckless, but once she got past that, they really clicked.
Matthias has quite a reputation following him around. Do you think that helped him or harmed him?
It depends on the
situation. But I think it mostly helped him as people were never quite
sure what to trust about that reputation, so they respected him or
feared him and both worked to his advantage.
Amalie has a past that ties in to the plot of this story. Do you think it added or detracted from the main mystery?
I thought it added greatly
to the enjoyment of the overall read as I could not figure out how it
would come together, but it did with a few interesting plot twists
along the way. And it was like two different stories that could have
tripped over each other and confused the reader, but they wove together
nicely to a good conclusion.
Both Amalie and Matthias have rather unusual careers and skills. How do you think they helped in this instance?
Amalie’s skill helped save
their lives, so that was useful! And Matthias was able to solve quite
leading-edge puzzles with the unique combination of his skills.
There were many supporting characters in this story. Who surprised you the most in their role?
The character who was
introduced in the Prologue and popped in and out a few times until his
big final scene.
What historical aspects of the story intrigued or interested you the most?
I love Quick’s settings
and the time frame they take place in. Obviously, robotics was not as
advanced then as they presented it to be (through deception) to the
general public, so how they used robotics to perform a murder was
interesting. And how they used the robot to hide components of the
code-breaking machine was also interesting. I love the early-on
encoding and code-breaking technology, even though that did not feature
in the story. But the engineering to make the machine work was and how
they used that to ensure no one had access to all the working parts to
make the machine work was played out well.
What did you enjoy about this story?
I really liked that the
relationship between Amalie and Matthias was straight-forward. They
both knew what they wanted and ended up getting it from each other. No
drama-llamas of accidental misunderstanding in this book! Just good
old-fashion getting to know each other, liking each other more and
becoming more attractive to each other quickly was the course of the
story, so I did not need to wonder if either had screwed it up
permanently or not.
What's your next read?
Little Secrets by Anna
Snoekstra. It is not a romance novel, but a mystery. Not sure what
romance novel I am reading next, but think I would like to try one of
Annie West’s books.
View all my reviews
About the author

Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle: Website - Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads - Amazon
About the reviewer

Steve Shipley: Website - Facebook - Twitter - Amazon
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