Monday, November 6, 2023

What Deanna Read #90: October 2023

I looked at the date today and realised it's November and it's time for what I read in October. Oof! The month flew by and November is kind of a nutso month for me. I don't think I read much for October. I truly struggled to find books I was interested in reading and there were a bunch of duds for me in the month. Sadness.

Aside from that, how are y'all doing? And here's what I read for the last month.

Caught For Christmas by Skye Warren
Caught For Christmas
Daddy's Billionaire Author by Haley Travis
Dante by Sadie Kincaid
10 Inches by Stephanie Brother

Rough Around The Edges by Verity Arden
Rough Around The Edges
Marcus by Anna Hackett
Marcus (reread)
Shiver Me Timbers by Cassie Mint
Shiver Me Timbers
Mission Her Protection by Anna Hackett
Mission: Her Protection (reread)

Faking It With THe Firefighter Wolf Daddy by Skye Wilson
Faking It With The Firefighter Wolf Daddy
Hard Knock Hero by Hannah Shield
Hard Knock Hero
Keep by Anna Hackett
Hot Secrets by Lisa Marie Rice
Hot Secrets (reread)

Reckless Night, Hot Secrets by Lisa Marie Rice
Reckless Night, Hot Secrets (reread)

Wow, that's not a lot of books at all and a lot of rereads because I was desperate for books that I would enjoy reading.

So what stood out, since the reading list was so sparse? Obviously, Keep by Anna Hackett. Colt and Macy were lots of fun. And Colt's little girl, Daisy was adorable. I think Ms Hackett knocked it out of the part with this one, and I think the switch to first person point of view is really working for a lot of readers. I know the book hit a bunch of bestseller lists, to congrats to Ms Hackett.

Aside from that, I reread Marcus and Mission: Her Protection, both by Ms Hackett too because I'm going through a reading drought and even though my TBR is crazy long, nothing is good or catching and holding my attention. I mean seriously, door romance is not my thing.

That's it from me. What did you read in October?

Stay tuned for what Helen read too. It's coming. I promise, I will get to it... I know I said that last month too, but I'm getting there...

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  1. A low count this month because I'm on holiday and I now have a backlog of books I want/need to read! And a reread of Ivokk as I'd forgotten what linked it to the current book!
    1 Guarding Teagan by Kaylea Cross. Crimson Point Security #1. USA, Oregon

    2 Blackhearted by Julie Ann Walker. Black Knights Inc: Reloaded #2. USA, Illinois, Chicago

    3 Dark Memory by Christine Feehan. Dark Carpathians #37. Algeria

    4 Ivokk by Veronica Scott. Badari Warriors #12. Space. A reread

    5 Wolves of Winter by Dan Jones. Essex Dogs Trilogy #2. 14th century France

    6 Keep by Anna Hackett. Fury Brothers #2. USA, New Orleans

    7 Keep bonus epilogue by Anna Hackett. Fury Brothers #2. USA, New Orleans

    8 Kian by Tasha Black. Alien Adoption Agency #15. Space

    9 Kian bonus epilogue by Tasha Black. Alien Adoption Agency #15.

    1. That's still a decent amount of reading done. Are you home yet?

    2. Yes, nearly a week now. Just about dried out!

    3. Wow, how did I not see this comment. How was Christmas for you? And the new year?

  2. I am glad that you got some reading in, some is better than none :)

    Have Fun


    1. That is definitely true. November will be a slow month though. I'm super busy with work and travel.
