Thursday, September 30, 2021

Adding to the TBR #2

Free books

Hello there,

How's your TBR coming along? Is it nearly empty, short, long, or out of control? Gonna be honest, mine's out of control but it doesn't stop me from buying more books that pique my interest. Anyhoo, aside from that, how about some free books to add to your TBR? And who doesn't love a free book or two?

Books are free at the time of putting this post together. Prices of books can change at any time for any reason.
My apologies if any of them are no longer free.

The Sheriff's Baby Bargain by Susan Lute

Shielding Kinley by Susan Stoker

Daddy's Best Friend by KC Crowne

Mr Mayfair by Louise Bay

Paws Off The Boss by Casey Griffin

Tempting Juliana by Lauren Royal

That's it for today. Do any of these pique your interest? Are you going to one-click on any of them?

Enjoy your reading.

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