Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Video book reviews: Colleen Hoover, Anna Hackett, and Melanie Moreland

TikTok book reviews

So I'm changing things up a bit. Seems like I'm doing a lot of that, but that's okay. Change is good. Right?

I've been doing book reviews the traditional way, ie, in a blog post with lots of text for the full review for a long time. I've also not been posting as many of them even though both Helen and I read a ton more books than there are reviews posted on the bloggity. Such a shame because there are some awesome books, awesome reviews, and awesome authors who need more exposure and reviews.

In the spirit of changing things up, I've been doing more of my book reviews on TikTok. They are shorter, more to the point, and frankly, quite fun. I love choosing the music to match each book. That's my favorite part. And I post more reviews on TikTok now since TikTok is a bit of a beast that encourages frequent video posting. Good thing I have fun making videos.

So, two birds one stone. I'm going to start including my TikTok book reviews here. You got a bit of a taste of it when I posted a random selection of my TikTok videos recently. Watching the videos are easy. Just click play and the video plays in the bloggity itself. No need to go to another page or log on or anything like that. Convenient. And the videos are short, so they won't take a lot of your time, but you get a taste for the book. I'll include links to Amazon too for if you're interested in getting the books or checking out more about them.

I've started including video reviews by Helen on my TikTok too. This is the first one I've done for Helen. Very atmostpheric.This is Verity by Colleen Hoover.

@deannasworld163 Deanna's World Book Review #thriller #bookblog #thrillertok #psychologicalthriller #colleenhooverbooks #scarystuff ♬ Lonely - Justin Bieber & benny blanco

Here are some of my early reviews before I refined my presentation and process. They have a few flaws in them which I needed to fix, chief of all was there was too much text on the page and not enough time to read them all. You'll have to pause the scene to read the text. Sorry. I was still learning. You'll notice the plain blingy purple and blue backgrounds for the first two. That was before I figured out how to set up the thumbnail for the video. Duh. I learned a little more by the third video.

The first one is Overlord by Anna Hackett. I had just finished reading the book or I was looking for a book I had recently read to use to practice my video making skills I don't remember which one. But hey, it was a great book.

@deannasworld163 Deanna's World Book Review #bookreview #romancebookreview #romance #bookblog #romanceblog #booktok #romancebooktok #scifiromance #annahackett ♬ original sound - Deanna’s World

In those early days, okay it was not that long ago, maybe a month or two ago, I was still learning my way and trying to figure out a posting schedule. Things were pretty random. Can you believe they were recommending posting between 3 and 5 videos a day? I was kind of freaking out. Who has time for that? Anyway, The Detective by Anna Hackett had just come out. Or I had read the ARC. I forget which, but I was so excited, I wanted to review it and make another pretty video. I particularly love the music in this one. If you listen closely to the lyrics, it really fits the story.

@deannasworld163 Deanna's World Book Review #bookreview #romance #romanceblog #booktok #romancebooktok #romancebooks #readromance #annahackett #newrelease ♬ original sound - Deanna’s World

For my next review, I was trying to decide what book to review and thought, well, I can't do another Anna Hackett book. I chose Melanie Moreland (I love her books) and picked one that I had read recently. It was her debut novel, Into The Storm, and it was magnificent for a debut novel. I'm so in love with Joshua and Rabbit. This book was everything. I'm not even sure I was able to convey how wonderful it was in the video. Y'all need to read this.

@deannasworld163 Deanna's World Book Review #bookreview #romance #booktok #romancebooktok #romancebooks #readromance @Melanie Moreland ♬ original sound - Deanna’s World

Well, that's it. A little start into a new way of doing book reviews for me. I hope you enjoy them. There will be more to come. What have you read recently that you've loved?

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  1. These are really good Deanna, you are so clever :)

    Have Fun


    1. They are a lot of fun to do and it's a fun way to get straight to the point with a review. I'm enjoying the process.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. They are fun to do. And I like how they turn out, especially now that I've got the hang of them.
