Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What Helen Read #37: May 2019

I seem to be running a little behind right now. So yeah, a little late on this too. Sigh. But upside, I had a fab day yesterday when friends came over in the afternoon and we had a mega afternoon tea with a fire lit in the fire pit throwing off some lovely flames and warmth. I tell you what though. A year in over 40 degree Celsius heat and it has ruined me for winter. Our winters here are mild but I'm feeling every bit of it and I'm struggling with the cold this time round. I keep complaining about being cold. So how have you been?

Here's what Helen read for the last month.

Helen always has a fab reading month. Let's see what stood out for her ...

A bit slower last month but there were some bigger books in the list and I have to say all of them were great reads. The standouts are:

The Flat Share by Beth O’Leary. This was her debut book and what a story! It was fun and moving. It really has everything a romance reader would love.

Home Fires by Fiona Lowe was another awesome story from the pen of Ms Lowe. She really knows how to weave a tale filled with emotions and real life situations, and she pulls everything together fabulously.

Mel A Rowe had me turning the pages in her new book, The Art Of Dust, and I loved the setting in the Northern Territory, and Cheryl Adnams took us back to the gold rush with her awesome story, The Girl From Eureka.

There is not one on this list that I would not recommend. Depending on what you fancy reading there is sure to be something that any reader will enjoy.

Have Fun, Helen.

Well, here's what Helen read. What do you think? Did you read any of the same books? What did you read this month? Tell us below.

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  1. So many great books, I could mention them all :)

    Have Fun


    1. You always love everything you read which is wonderful.

  2. There's a few on there I'm still trying to get to.

    1. Finding time is always hard

      Have Fun

