Saturday, July 9, 2022

ARC team sign-up: False Trust by Steve Shipley

Join Steve Shipley's ARC team

We have a special guest joining us today on the bloggity. Crime thriller author, Steve Shipley is here to talk to us about his upcoming book, False Trust and offer readers the chance to grab an early copy to read and review. A little deviation from our usual romance talk and not my regular genre to read, but I'm excited to help spread the word for Steve's book.

Thank you for allowing me to visit your blog today, Deanna.

Do you love reading crime thrillers? If so, would you like to be an ARC reader for False Trust releasing August 9th?

I'm very excited to share this book with readers and you can get an Advance Reader Copy to read it before everyone else. You can request an ARC copy by clicking this link.

In return for the ARC, I ask that you leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads for the book when the books are listed on those platforms, and if you catch any typos (I have an awesome editor and proofreader, but sometimes certain things slip through) to please report back to me and let me know so they can be corrected.

Please do not share the book content elsewhere, and of course, any promotion of the book by sharing your reviews is great. If you enjoyed the book, please tell your friends.

I have created a Facebook ARC & Launch team group you can join as well. The purpose is to share information easily among ARC readers, including schedule updates, events, and other activities. Click here to join the Facebook Group.

False Trust request an ARC

False Trust join ARC group

Follow Steve Shipley

Here's the blurb for False Trust: (this might change a little bit if I refine it to a final version, but it will give you an idea for the story)

False Trust ARC blurb

And finally, here are some video trailers for the book so you get a taste of what it's about. Just click the video and it will play automatically. And there are more video book trailers on my website for you to watch.

And if you've made it this far, here's some Blake Willis Thriller Bonus Content.

I look forward to sharing my book with you.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your book with us, Steve. I hope you get lots of sign-ups for your ARC. All the best with the book release.

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  1. All signed up and looking forward to it :)

    Have Fun


    1. Thank you. Initial feedback has been very positive. I hope you enjoy it.
