![Send a mail on typewriter](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/7yikvwn29pnyvk6/Send%20mail%20typewriter.jpg)
Hello again,
This is it! Well, as far as I can tell. I am happy to report that I've now sorted out the whole newsletter thing. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do so here. This means you will start getting emails from me letting you know when there's a new blog post up on the bloggity. Existing subscribers need not do anything. You will be automatically migrated over.
Dang! Getting this right was a lot of work. It took me three days to figure out the RSS and HTML code. I was telling my best friend about it and his response after all of my fiddling was: "You're a hacker now 🙂" Hardly! I changed a setting up front, added one line of code into the blog posts themselves which I have to do for every post, and added another four lines of code into the newsletter.
I do feel pretty proud of myself though because this means the summary of the blog post I wanted to show in the email is showing up. I'm very pleased about that.
Oh, one other thing. You might get duplicate emails for a couple of weeks until the original Blogger emails go offline, which I think is scheduled for July 28th.
Shameless plug again, if you want to sign up to get emails whenever there's a new blog post up, you can do so here.
On the reading front, I'm still working on When She Purrs by Ruby Dixon. It's a looooong book but very fun and there are some super funny parts. This is from early on in the book, probably in the few chapeters where Kim, the heroine, has Nassakth, the hero, cuffed to a chair. She thinks she's safe from him but she doesn't know he can break the cuffs and the chair with a snap. Nassakth is also quite drugged up because the plants Kim is growing on her farm has an aphrodisiac effect on his species. He can't help his rather lively appendage from being super friendly. It's quite funny.
Thank you for your patience on the whole newsletter thing. This is the last of it.
Deanna, xoxo
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Thank you. I'm feeling pretty chuffed.