You know, it always amazes me when one of the monthly features rocks round again and I'm thinking: What? Already? So soon? Maybe I'm just getting old and time moves faster. This a fun post though and I love collecting book quotes. I collect a lot more than I share because well, I read a lot, and also, a lot of things amuse me. I'm easily amused. And also moved. Authors are so clever with their words and I love to share them.

Unstable by SE Hall
I saw this quote shared in a book group and fell in love with it. I haven't read the book yet but I've borrowed it in Kindle Unlimited and it's waiting for me to read. I said when I shared it on my personal page that this sentiment is probably not for everyone. I think some feminists would revolt at the idea and of course, a good friend of mine who is a feminist piped up that it's not for her, but hey, if it works for others, go them. This works for me. I like being looked after and my Steve is such a man. I'm a lucky girl.

Bite Deeper by TS Joyce
The warmth of feeling safe is a wonderful feeling. I always say to Steve that the first moment when I cuddle him at the end of the day is such an "ahhhh..." moment. I feel like everything in me settles and I feel warm and safe and loved. It's a feeling to be treasured. I hope everyone gets to experience it is some way.

How The Hitman Stole Christmas by Sam Mariano
I picked up this book to read because it sounded funny and yeah, there are some funny moments in it. Mostly, Jasper is just so different. He's a hitman and his moral compass is not like other people's. I mean, he sees Autumn by the side of the road and decides he's going to kidnap her to spend Christmas with his family. It's quite bizarre. Fun book though.

Trapped With The Secret Agent by Julie Rowe
Ms Rowe writes some of the best romantic suspense books I've read. I love this particular exchange because it's so true. Doing what's right is never easy, doing what's right when terrified is amazing.
Stealing From Mr Rich (Billionaire Heists #1) by Anna Hackett
This one is just funny to me. Armani, Gucci, really, at that level, is there even a difference? It's just ridiculous to pay that much for a pair of jeans, but really, if you're a billionaire, would you buy your jeans from Target?

Van (Vested Interest #5) by Melanie Moreland
This one is just romantic and sexy. That's all.

So that's it from me on the quotes. I hope you've enjoyed them and got a little peek into how my brain works while I'm reading. If you've got a particular book quote that you love, do share them with me. I've love to know what stays with you and stands out for you while you're reading.
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