I'm enjoying the heck out of these book quotes. So many to choose from too since they pop up frequently in all the books I read. Funny story, I shared a particularly hilarious passage with my best friend who is a very logical guy and he didn't find it funny at all. I was all gleeful and laughing at it but he said he thought it was kinda crass (it was a boob joke) and he didn't get it. He's so blah. Anyway, I was just thinking maybe context is important too. I hope you enjoy the ones I've picked out today.

Mountain Desire (Wild Mountain Men #3) by Vanessa Vale
This one made me chuckle. How many times have we watched a horror movie and thought to the heroine "don't go there," or "don't open that door," or "don't follow that man in there?" I liked that this heroine was aware enough to realise what she had just done.
The Hitman's Angel by Jessa Kane
Not gonna lie. This one was a "WTF am I reading?" moment when I read it. That's some serious, kinky WTFery right there that I was not expecting. You've gonna need to tell me what you think after you've read it.

Fake Boyfriend (Sinful Temptation #1) by Miley Maine
I thought the way Jackson deadpanned his last response "Sing" was hella funny when I read it. I guess this might be one of those instances when you had to be reading the book and got the whole context of what was going on like when my friend Arni told me that the boob joke I shared with him wasn't funny. Anyhoo, it made me chuckle.
Filled by Alexa Riley
This passage made me think wusses come in all shapes and sizes. But kudos to women in general, they put up with some crazy shiz and let's not even mention what a feat childbirth is. I am in awe of Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. She is such an incredible leader. The world could do with a lot more women leaders.

Hidden Obsession (Alliance Agency #2) by India Kells and Maddie Wade
I love old fashioned courtesy and manners in a man. I know a lot of women these days are all for being strong, independent, and feminist, but I'm old fashioned and a poor example of feminism in any form since I like my men to open my doors, walk on the outside, and take care of me.

His Angel (Trident Security #2) by Samantha A Cole
The context for this quote is that Ian is not one for romantic gestures. Not one for flowers or chocolates or fancy dates. But he's thoughtful and kind, and he takes wonderful care of Angie. He makes sure she's warm enough on a cold day, that she's got food on her plate and eating before he eats himself, he takes out the trash and locks up the house at night to make sure she's safe. That kind of thoughtfulness will get me gooey all the time.
So that's it from me on the quotes. I hope you've enjoyed them and got a little peek into how my brain works while I'm reading. If you've got a particular book quote that you love, do share them with me. I've love to know what stays with you and stands out for you while you're reading.
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