Thursday, August 20, 2020

Review: Wolf Fur Hire (Bears Fur Hire #4) by TS Joyce

Wolf Fur Hire by TS Joyce

My rating: Small star Small star Small star Small star Small star

Heat rating: Flame  Flame  Flame

Wolf Fur Hire by TS Joyce blurb

Wow! What an incredible book! Filled with courage, strength, heart, and emotion. It's not often a book blows me away like this. A book where while I'm reading it, I know, I just know, that it's going to be a five star read because of everything it made me feel. From Nicole's bravery to Link's determination, to the heart of Nicole finding her heritage, and Link gaining everything that matters.

I came across this book by accident. Sort of an intentional accident. I was in the middle of writing an article and looking for a particular kind of book that suited a trope I was writing about. Someone recommended this book saying it would fit what I was looking for. I checked, it sounded good and worked for my article but it also sounded good enough that I wanted to read it right away. I'm glad I did.

Nicole is amazing. From the very beginning she's brave beyond words. Her courage and her tenacity at embracing her new life leaves me in awe. Sure, she starts off ill-equiped to face the Alaskan winters but she realises where she's lacking and she seeks to learn, to adapt, to improve. When faced with the seemingly insurmountable possibility of losing something precious, she fights with everything she has for it. When faced with terrible odds and extreme danger, she comes out swinging. There are setbacks, of course, but she doesn't give up.

I love Link. He's sweet, kind, loyal, and devoted. He's resigned to his fate and is on the verge of giving up when Nicole shows up in his life and gives him something to fight for. He's got the deck stacked against him but like Nicole, he's courageous and strong. He doesn't give up. And he's got the support of friends and family who love him enough to give him what he needs to keep fighting. After everything he's been through, Link deserves all the happiness and love in the world for as long as he lives.

This is my first time reading one of Ms Joyce's books and I have to say that I don't think it will be my last. I haven't been reading much paranormal romance of late but I think I can definitely dip my feet back into the genre with Ms Joyce's books.

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About the author

TS Joyce

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