I hope you enjoy this installment of Mr Manview's observations.
I recently presented what type of romance heroes I like. But frankly, I could care less about the guys. I was just trying to educate the female population on what to look for in a hero that provides a happy ending instead of having to continuously float through a river of never-ending rejects!
For this man, it is the heroines that make me love a romance or have it become a DNF (did not finish). There have been a few stories I found interesting but could not get by how ANNOYING the heroine was! And that pretty much summarizes it! I do not like annoying heroines. I want my heroines beautiful on the inside and the outside, and more on the inside. Since I can visualize her any way I want mentally, she is always beautiful enough for me. You tell me she has red hair, and I know it is thick and flowing with the perfect amount of curl. And when it comes to hair color, I do prefer red! Red represents passion, and I love passionate heroines. I think many romance writers know red is a good hair color because it seems at least 50% of the romance novels I read have heroines with red hair.

We all know there are so many ways women can annoy men, right? (I could write a book on this but need to keep it at a reasonable length for this blog post, so will only cover off the top few!) What is it specifically I would find annoying in a heroine?
- A heroine is annoying when she feels the need to fix the hero; a more likable heroine knows how to support and let the hero fix himself when he needs to.
- A heroine is annoying when she has a preconceived view of what type of person the hero should be and faults him if he is anything but; instead of valuing his strengths and complimenting his weaknesses (without making him aware he has any!)
- A heroine is annoying if she saps the hero’s energy instead of energizing him.
- A heroine is annoying if she doubts herself sexually and makes the hero guess what, where, when, and how she wants to be treated; she does not need to lead or make the first move, but she must respond enthusiastically!
- A heroine is annoying if she sends mixed signals and is confusing; it is tough enough for us guys to find out what works the first time, so don’t be constantly changing on us!
So far, it sounds like I fancy a red-headed heroine who is not annoying, and that is true! Eliminate those annoying elements, and you have the heroine of my dreams! However, there is more. I want a heroine who is sensitive and soft yet can get tough and hard if the situation calls for it. Not all the time or for a prolonged time, but when it's needed to keep the relationship going instead of falling apart. I want a heroine who is passionate and enthusiastic about me and only me as the hero. She should enjoy sex, be willing to explore sex, and do things for me that she would not do for and with anyone else. I am not speaking of depraved, kinky sex, but to be totally releasing herself to me, to be consumed like a 7-course degustation with matching fine wines, and providing me enough guidance to satisfy her in the way she knows only I can. Basically, I want her to make me feel special; let me know how unique I truly am!

I want a heroine who is confident and capable of surviving and prospering in the world of business, in society and in relationships with family and friends and able to give one up to fulfill the other. She accepts and is willing and capable of being with me as a couple, and a couple of equals - not more than me or less than me.
Those are the heroines who drive me through a book quickly and make me thirst to get to the end, so I know she will be mine! If the story is great, the setting is great, the scenes are great, and the plot twists surprising, I will still DNF the book if the heroine is annoying, or less than what I want my heroines to be. And when I like the heroine and want her to be mine happily ever after, I will enjoy and finish the book. And if in addition, you give me a great story in a great setting and with great scenes, you are a 5-star read! Just stay away from annoying. Nobody likes annoying.
So what do you think of Mr Manview's opinions regarding heroines? Do you agree with him or not?
Read all the other Manview observations here.
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