Thursday, April 9, 2020

Would you read a virus pandemic romance?


I had a little look at dystopian romance recently and was wondering if there'd be an upsurge in demand for those books given current times. This led me to another thought. Will romance change under the new conditions we have to live under? What are authors going to write next? Romance has always been trendsetting in its content and changing with the times. We certainly saw that with the #metoo movement and how authors adapted their writing with regards to consent. Will this new world we are living in have an impact on how romance will be written?

Early on at the beginning of all this, I saw a few authors ask if anyone felt the urge to write a coronavirus romance. The responses were somewhat mixed. Some thought it might be timely and relevant, while others thought the stories would become dated very quickly. Others wanted it, but some didn't. And of course, there is no knowing how the reader market will respond.

Medical lab testing

As I was knocking around in some book groups asking questions about what readers want right now, a few authors responded that they currently have "end of the world", dystopian, apocalyptic romances out. Not necessarily of a virus, but they have some books of the general theme out.

I asked one author how her books were doing as she had mentioned she had a dystopian series out. When she checked, she said she saw a small uptick in her novels, so I guess there are some readers out there who are wanting to read about the end of the world with a happy ending. At least I'm hoping her books have a happy ending. Me, I can't handle the stress. I'm a wuss.

New virus romance

One author I was chatting with said that she is writing a romance with a virus that will reflect what is happening now. I'm curious how she will pull this off and still make it sexy and romantic. Under current conditions, we have social distancing, we are encouraged not to touch, and we are disinfecting and sanitizing like crazy. Do we spray down our hunky hero before we hug him or kiss him? And how will we have sexy times? Will there be lots of shower sex?

Deadly Strain by Julie Rowe Lethal Game by Julie Rowe Viral Justice by Julie Rowe

As for current reads, I want to recommend a favorite author of mine in this genre. Her books are not dystopian or post-apocalyptic, but they focus on bioterrorism and all manner of viruses that get released into the population in a terrorist attack. Her books are well researched and scarily realistic while having the requisite romance and sexy times. Obviously, the scenarios are different, and it's not the end of the world, but she does highlight various viruses and their impact on the people who get affected. These are fantastic reads and some of my favorite books.

Viable Threat by Julie Rowe Smoke & Mirrors by Julie Rowe Sleight Of Hand by Julie Rowe Search & Destroy by Julie Rowe

How do you feel about a romance that is written about a virus (I'm not saying this virus exactly) pandemic that is eerily similar to what we are experiencing now? Would you want to read it, or is that too close to reality for you right now, and romance is an escape?

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  1. This is a great topic and for me no I want something that is uplifting, fun and romantic although I do love a good romantic suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat and I don't think I have ever read an apocalyptic or Dystopian romance I am not sure that they would appeal to me, but who knows the world is changing everyday at the moment :)

    Have Fun


    1. I don't read much dystopian but I think there are some good ones out there. The ones I recommended are not dystopian, just focused on bioterrorism. Enjoy your happy reads.

  2. Looking at my list of books read over the last 15 or so years, I don't seem to have read much dystopian fiction but what I have read were great.

    Outlaws Trilogy by Elle Kennedy
    The One trilogy by Nora Roberts
    Toxic Dust by Eve Langlais. The Deviant Future series, book 1 of a new series
    Hell Squad series by Anna Hackett
    Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian. The author moved this vampire series into a future where vampires and their attempted destroyers exist side by side with the rest of the population. HEA's a given

    Blasts from the past include
    ISIS series by Jean Stewart. No not that ISIS, f/f futuristic

    Northern Waste trilogy by Eve Silver
    2176 quintet by various authors.

    1. Hey Gill, I hope you are well. I've read the first book in the Elle Kennedy series but only because someone said it was steamy. :-) Other than that, I haven't read any on your list. I do need to get to Anna Hackett's Hell Squad series. It's extremely popular.
