Monday, January 14, 2019

What Deanna Read #35: December 2018

December was a pretty good month for me by current reading standards because of the Christmas and New Year holidays. Our office shut for two weeks and even though I was working, I had a little time off.  :-)

Here's what I read for the month.

With all my reading favorite authors, and not much difference from last month, I've enjoyed most everything I read with only one exception. I saw a post and read the blurb of the book. It sounded super cute so I bought it to read. It was not good. *sad face* Boring. Boring. It was a DNF, but only one of those in December. Everything else was awesome.

I tend to read at least a book or two by Serena Akeroyd each month because she is a writing machine and cranks out a book or two each month. This month was no different with Andrei, the continuing Quintessence series sequel, and Trierna from the TriAlpha Chronicles. As always, Andrei is sexy and emotional, and Trierna is an epic mind-eff of a ride with a banging cliffhanger. Fortunately, cliffhangers don't phase me all that much. I also started a new old series of Ms Akeroyd's, Jayce Ventura: Ghost Whisperer. My timing couldn't be worse because she just pulled the books from sale (I'd bought them earlier) to recover and refresh. Argh! Excellent read though. I loved Jayce's snark and Drake's broodiness.

I also gobbled up Dreamer and Seducer from the Equinox series by Lily Harlem. I was so stoked to find out what happens next. Seriously, I was totally jonesing for the next book after Dreamer. There might have been some stalking to get Seducer as quickly into my grubby-grabby hands could.

And finally, Escape To The Country was a filthy, filthy book and sexy as heck. It hit the spot when I wanted something to melt my Kindle and make me blush.

That's it from me. What did you read for this last month? Do leave a comment and let me know.

Stay tuned for Helen's books next.

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  1. It is good to see that you are getting in some more reading Deanna and reading books that are making you smile, I didn't read as many as usual in December with Christmas and school holidays has taken some of my reading time away, but I did enjoy what I read :)

    Have Fun


    1. It was really nice to get a few extra books in with some time off over the holidays. I still worked but it was not as busy since everyone was on holidays.

  2. Another short reading month
    1 Out in the End Zone by Lane Hayes. Out in College #2

    2 Buried Lies by Kaylea Cross. Crimson Point #2. Loving this series. This one has a very creepy villain too

    3 The Magician's Angel by Jordan L Hawk.

    4 Face Off by Brenda Novak. Evelyn Talbot #3

    5 A Rancher's Bride by Vivian Arend. Stones of Heart Falls #4. I've really enjoyed this series and this one was particularly steamy in parts.

    6 Dark Arsenal by Cynthia Sax. Free cyborg sizzle novella

    7 Edge of Eon by Anna Hackett Eon warriors #1. Enjoyed this start to a new series
    Anyway, back home n ok w so hopefully January will be better.

    1. Wow Gill, yeah, you had a small reading month, didn't you? I've for those new Eon books to get stuck into but I still need to find time to finish Imperator. Really looking forward to Galen's book but not sure if I'm putting it off because it's the last book in the series.

  3. Imperator is great. You must read it soon. It's a fast read too. It is the last but the House of Rone is coming this year, I think. Also, the short story in Pets in Space is after Imperator,I think

    1. Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to House of Rone. I need more cyborgs in my life. I loved Cyborg. I think it was my favorite of the series.
