Saturday, March 4, 2017

What Deanna Read #13: February 2017

Can you believe it's March already?

I was plugging along really well with my reading for the month of February and then I went away and BAM! no reading for two weeks!! Fail!. But I had a lot of fun while I was away so that makes up for it. :-)

This month has been another good reading month.

For starters, my fav Juliette Cross has a new book out soon and I got to read The Black Lily. It was fantastic. It's a Cinderella fairy tale retelling with vampires! What's not to like?

Plugging It In by Lexxie Couper was super raunchy. Phew! Talk about hot sex!

As usual, Thea Harrison wowed me with her latest book, Moonshadow. It's very adult. Lots of f-bombs! but it fit the story.

Gladiator by Anna Hackett. Gladiators in space. Mmm ... yes please. This was fun and action-packed. I loved the heroine in this story.

That's it from me. What did you read for this last month? Do leave a comment and let me know.

And stay tuned for Helen's reading list for the month too.

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  1. You did have a good month Deanna and those covers look fabulous up there so many books calling to me never enough time :)

    And ARRC2017 was awesome :)

    Have Fun

    1. ARRC2017 was awesome. I love looking at all the covers. I think that's part of the reason I do it.
