Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Manview: Chasing Dreams (Hope Creek #2) by Kerrie Patterson

Welcome to another Manview. For those of you who are new to Manviews, these are reviews of romance novels specifically from a man's perspective, the reader today being another male romance reader, Len Klumpp. As Len will tell you in his bio below, he's been a long time romance reader and a strong supporter of the genre. I've corralled Len into providing his Manview on the romances he's reading. Hopefully, this will give you a varied perspective of Manviews between my beloved Steve who did the first Manview and Len. I had no idea I would be able to find another willing male (hah!) so soon to provide Manviews, but I'm stoked about it. I hope you give Len a very warm welcome to Deanna's World and enjoy his first Manview.

 Chasing Dreams by Kerrie Patterson
Chasing Dreams (Hope Creek #2) by Kerrie Patterson
Purchase link: Amazon

My rating: star starstar star Half

Heat rating: Flame  Flame  Flame

Almost twenty years ago, Belinda Morrison’s teenage dreams of playing top level cricket were shattered after a night of fun went wrong. While she lay in a hospital bed, the ute’s driver, her boyfriend Marc, left town.

Now Marc Orsini’s a cop, and has been sent back to Hope Creek as a temporary posting.

The sparks are still there, stronger than ever, and after a shaky start, their relationship ignites again.

With many ties to the community, the town is Bel’s life, but Marc has responsibilities elsewhere. She can't risk a short-term romance, but how can she let him walk out of her life for a second time?

ManviewHow did you come to read Chasing Dreams? Have you read the first book in the series?
Having read the first book in the Hope Creek series, Letting Go, I could not wait to read the second instalment, Chasing Dreams. With both books it's easy to see why Kerrie Paterson was voted Best New Romance Writer at the recent ARRA Awards.

What did you think of Chasing Dreams overall?
I really liked Chasing Dreams. While it didn't have the same emotional impact on me as Letting Go, I found it a wonderful story. It was great to catch up with characters from the previous book but all the different subplots contained in the book.

It looks like Chasing Dreams focuses on the second chance romance as a trope. Do you enjoy second chance romances? Why?
Yes, I do enjoy second chance romances. There are some people who are meant to be together but situations beyond their control sometimes push them apart. I love it when fate or whatever other force brings them back together.

What did you think of the main characters Bel and Marc?
I loved both Bel and Marc. Bel had her dreams shattered but that did not stop her from living life. She refocused on other avenues. She has a beautiful caring heart as is evident on wanting to become a foster mum. She overcame a lot of scars, physical and emotional. Marc is consumed with the guilt of what happened to Bel and his father. He is a very caring person who puts everybody in front of himself and can't be happy till he realises that he needs to focus on his own happiness.

Was their reunion and relationship convincing? Did you believe that theirs was a HEA and this time round their relationship would stick.
Yes, it was, and I believe they will have a happy ever after. They are soulmates that are meant to be together and will spend many happy years together.

What's next to read for you?
I'm thinking of reading something completely different next book. Its called The Fair Dinkums. Its a true story of the men of the 7th Battalion who fought in Galipolli, Egypt and France during WW1. A story that is close to my heart.

View all my reviews

About the author

Kerrie PattersonKerrie Paterson writes contemporary women's fiction and small town romance - mainly stories about women in their 40s and above who have reached a crossroads in their life. She loves to write about women's relationships with their friends and family, as well as their romances.

She fits writing in between homeschooling her teenage son, driving him around to activities, running her website design business and being keeper of the family knowledge (aka 'Mum, have you seen my camera / phone / cable etc?'). In her spare time (ha!), she's a yoga student, keen photographer and avid reader.

Kerrie lives in the Hunter Valley, Australia.

Author links: Website - Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads

About the reviewer

Len KlumppHi, I'm Len and I'm an avid reader of most of the romance genres. I've been married to Carolyn for nearly sixteen years. I have three step-kids  as well as a large fur family of four dogs and seven cats. We live in the country music capital of Tamworth. I'm an Airport Reporting Officer at our regional airport.

I was a late comer to reading. Even though I read a few books, it wasnt until I was about 30 that the reading " bug" took hold. It was then that I discovered Wilber Smith, Jean M Auel and Bryce Courtenay as well as a few others. It was after reading Tony Parson's Call of the High Country that I discovered the romance genre. Going searching for more books like that I discovered Rachael Treasure. I soon progressed to Fiona Palmer, Rachael Johns, Karly Lane and as they say the rest is history.

What I like so much about romances are that they are real. I grew up in counrty towns and I can relate to their struggles the things like drought, floods, fire and trying to make the community survive. I love how they deal with emotions, many that I have been through and struggled with. They make me feel good. I copped a lot of ribbing first off from a lot of my friends for reading "girly books" but now a few of them read them themselves.

Links:  Facebook | Twitter

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  1. Hi Len

    Woohoo 💜 awesome review I loved it I have Kerrie's books on my massive TBR pile and look forward to them as I say often I need more hours in the day. I was lucky enough to give Kerrie here award at thw dinner and was very chuffed ☺

    Love seeing what books you are reading Len although I have never lived in the country it has always been a dream of mine since spending a lot of time when I was growing up on my grandparents hobby farm on the central coast I too love rural romance.

    Have Fun

    1. Helen, I've only recently started reading Outback / Rural Australian romances. I am enjoying the fact that I learn a lot about outback Australia that way.

  2. Thank you Helen. Its the reason I love the romance genre so much having lived in Rural areas. Being able to understand the dynamics of the the towns and all the challenges they face

  3. I know what you mean about your massive TBR pile and needing more hours in the day, Helen! Yet every week I go to the library and manage to borrow yet another huge pile of books :) (And I loved receiving my award from you!!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kerrie. Yeah, that TBR pile is just crazy. I don't think I'll ever get through it in this lifetime!
