It's time to do a round up and I'm going to start with my favorite new series discoveries of the year. This year , two stood out to me. Both of them, coindicentally are romantic suspense series. I'm not sure how it happened, but there it is.
The first is the Red Team series by Elaine Levine.
In this series, we first meet Rocco who has been discharged from service after many years undercover in Afghanistan serving his country. Rocco is suffering servere PTSD and in The Edge of Courage we read about his journey to recovery. Along the way, we meet the other members of the Red Team and I was thrilled to learn they each got their stories too.
If I was asked to say why I love these stories so much, it is because they ring with an authenticity to them. Ms Levine makes me believe in the world she has created and root for her characters. You can tell she's done her research and what she describes rings true. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she writes incredibly gorgeous heroes for me (us) to fall for too. It's very difficult not to love these highly trained, incredibly skilled men, who make such huge sacrifices to serve and protect the country and those they love.
Through this series, I have also discovered my favorite narrator of the year, Eric G Dove. I fell in love with his voice for Rocco and his brilliant acting. He brought the characters and the story to life.
I've only read two out of the five books in the series because I'm waiting for the audio for Book 3 to be released in audiobook. It should be soon and I'm going to be all over that. I know I could read the books much quicker and be up to date on the series, but I want to savor it and I want the pleasure of enjoying Eric's voice. Of course, you don't need to listen to the series as I am doing. You can simply read the books. They pack as much of a punch being read as they are listened to on audio.
Here's the rest of the series:
The other series is a very recent discovery. It is the Biological Response Team series by Julie Rowe.
With this series, I'm hooked on the adrenalin. Ms Rowe writes non-stop action with incredible skill. Reading her books is akin to watching a Jerry Bruckheimer movie or reading a Matthew Reilly book.
Be warned though, there's lots of action, lots of guns, lots of explosions and a very high death toll. ... And good guys die. Lots of them. It is the price you pay for war and fighting against fanatical extremists.
Her chraacters are fabulous too. Her heroes and heroines are incredible men and women who are smart, strong and dedicated. Of course, they have their own weaknesses too, their own inner demons to fight and their own battles to win, but it doesn't get in the way of them doing their job and carrying out their duty. These men and women will inspire you to want to be better versions of yourself, to overcome the odds and win.
I'm completely hooked on this series. I don't normally glom my way through an entire series in a few days, in one sitting, but I did with this. There hasn't been many series recently to grab me by the throat and make me want to race my way through every book I can get my hands on like this one. I'm so glad to discover there will be more books after Viral Justice ... and if you've read the books, you will agree with me that Smoke needs his own book. :-)
Here are the books for the series:
If you haven't read any of these books or series, run, don't walk to your nearest bookstore or computer and get them quick. I promise you, they are worth the investment of your time and your money, but more importantly your heart as you fall in love with them.
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