Sunday, January 22, 2023

Currently reading #1: January 2023

Currently reading

Hello! Hello! I'm so sorry I've been absent. I almost didn't even make it today because I'm away on holidays and I've been having fun. It's my first proper holiday in years where I'm not looking after elderly family members or working. Okay, there was a little work, but it's mostly eating, shopping, and catching up with friends.

I know I'm due to be posting the top 10 read for the year and I owe you Helen's. Timing hasn't been great as we've been away and won't be home till February. It will get done, I promise and next week, hopefully, when it's a little less hectic because I'm trying to pack in a zillion things, I'll get some bloggity stuff done. I'm sorry. Please don't abandon me!!

Meanwhile, I'm not doing a lot of reading, but a little bit. Here's some of what I've been reading.

Untamed Daddy by Laylah Roberts

Sleep No More by Jayne Ann Krentz

Currently reading various

So that's it from me for now. I promise I will get back on top of things soon.

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