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Got gargoyle?
Ginger Butterbean would like to, but she’s not sure how to go about it. Her marriage of a hundred years has crumbled to dust and she’s worried her witchy bits might be so full of cobwebs, they’ve malfunctioned.
She needs sexy gargoyle Slade Nightwing to remind her of what it means to be a witch and that love isn’t just a fairytale.
Ginger Butterbean would like to, but she’s not sure how to go about it. Her marriage of a hundred years has crumbled to dust and she’s worried her witchy bits might be so full of cobwebs, they’ve malfunctioned.
She needs sexy gargoyle Slade Nightwing to remind her of what it means to be a witch and that love isn’t just a fairytale.
This story was ... cute. I really don't have anything else to say about it. I enjoyed it and it was entertaining but it was short, a little too short to really develop the characters and for me to get an understanding of them to any depth. I think the first few books in the series are longer.
Slade (I do love that name) is a hunky gargoyle who's decided when he met Ginger at a party (where she behaved badly) that he wanted her. He gets loaned to her as her security detail for 10 days, during which time, prim and proper Ginger needs to come of out her shell and grab life and Slade by the balls (so to speak).
I loved how straight-forward Slade was. What you see is what you get. And he says what he means and means what he says. No beating around the bush, no ulterior motives, not guessing games. More people should be like him.
I started out wondering about Ginger because there was so much internal monologue about how awful she had been but in reality there wasn't much to it. She had been rather naughty with an interesting shaped straw at a party. Ginger had a lot of baggage she needed to work through, from her upbringing and what her mother told her how a witch like her should behave to a loser ex. Slade nudges her along the way with some special gargoyle nectar (now get your head out of the gutter! It's nectar from a flower!) and the rest is up to her. I like she took her life in her own hands and decided to live it to the fullest and to be happy.
Everything happened very quickly in this story since it was so short (only about 50+ pages). The time frame within the story was short too, only 10 days.
If you're after a quick, cute read, this would be a fun story to pick up. Don't expect and depth or deep character development though. I picked it up because I'm a sucker for gargoyles and I love reading about them. This was fun.
This is a standalone too, so you don't need to have read the previous books in the series.
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