Sunday, September 13, 2015

New on my bookshelf #1

I am starting a new series on the blog which I think would be quite fun for everyone to see what I'm reading or planning on reading. There will be two sections to this post - books I've bought and books I've received to review, and I'm planning on doing this fortnightly. I'm also considering a "Coming Soon" post but I haven't quite figured out what and how I want to do that yet. So without much further ado, let me introduce you to what's "New on my Bookshelf".

Note: I'm only including up to 8 books in each section, there may be more or less in some weeks depending on my one-click addiction and what I commit to review. 

Books I've bought recently: (free and paid for)

If you'd like to pick up some free romance books from Amazon, you can find the Top 100 free romance books here.

Books I've received to review: (they are in the schedule, reviews to come!!)

I hope you enjoyed this inaugral what's on my bookshelf post. Visit back each fortnight for a new instalment.

Hosted by Tynga's Book Reviews

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1 comment:

  1. Welcome to this meme :-) Looks like you are set for some romances. Happy reading!
